Thursday, February 12, 2009


Do I protest when my pocket is picked and my money lost? Yes. It doesnt matter if the one disappearing my money is a pickpocket, or a City Manager. Do I protest if I am NOT allowed to vote on the two biggest projects in my city- that will affect me and my city for the next TWENTY YEARS? Yes. Am I upset when a new Rec Director is vouched for and hired WITHOUT the proper checks and character references in place? Yes. Am I concerned when HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of our tax dollars are squandered by a clueless and unconcerned Council and City Manager? Yes. Do I wonder why there is little and less transparency and accountability in our City government? Yes. Are my protests heard when secret handshake deals are made that are of highly questionable legal status and benefit us little and none? Yes. When my taxes and fees are raised to make up for repeated City wastefulness and stupidities, yes, I protest. To protest is the American Way and one of our basic rights as a democratic nation and a citizen of the US of A!

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