Monday, December 1, 2008

petty politics redux

Mr Garcia stated that keeping the overtime for the secretaries to a minimum was "essential", so he voted to combine the Ecology and Parks and Recreation boards. It will save one hour of overtime for a secretary- $20 tops. Where was his concern when the Council was paying over $210,000 EACH for the bathrooms? $600 a square foot for the Country Club enclosure? 33k to connect the sewer pipes, a 5k job ? How about when we paid $38,500 for the elevations, a 6k job? Please. To say he is concerned about saving $20 for a Board to meet and that it is "essential" to the financial wellbeing of our City AFTER okaying hundreds of thousands of dollars in blatant giveaways and overpayments is ludicrous! Dont insult our intelligence!!!! Its a political payback and an attempt to dilute the influence and divert the focuses of the Ecology Board. This is petty politics at its worst. Save us $20 while giving away hundreds of thousands of our tax dollars? Please. You had your chance to save some REAL money and blew it! Spare me.

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