Thursday, December 4, 2008

change is in the air

While this pool fiasco may get tiresome to report at times, all the pieces to this puzzle are not in place yet and a full understanding and explanation has not yet happened. Concerned residents each do a litle research and the picture gets clearer as more information is revealed. This fiscal irresponsibility SHOULD be an issue with the Council now, and will certainly be in April. We should not be paying for all the maintenance and upkeep of City facilities for free or fire-sale rental prices at ANY time to subsidize private businesses, much less when times are tough and monies are tight. Is it not enough that we give our Country Club to Mr. Santana for free already? How many private businesses can we subsidize? How many is enough? The pool is just another example of lack of City oversight and responsibility on the part of the Council with the City Manager, and the City Manager's lack of supervision, accountability, and sound business principles with the people under his charge. Recent elections have shown the people across our nation want change. The residents of Miami Springs need change too. Yes, we can.

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