Sunday, November 30, 2008


There are serious doubts that ANY family would choose to live here and buy a home because of the swim coach. I know of NONE that have done that in over forty years. The reason we cant afford to pay for everybody else's kids is because we cant afford it- we are in a recession that is deepening every day AND we are already losing 300k per year. We may be willing to give our handful of kids a break on the price to practice here but we should NOT be expected to pay for everybody else's kids too. It is simply a luxury we can no longer afford. If the others want to contribute their fair shares to keep the losses to a minimum and the pool open, that could be considered, but to pay 5% of our losses when 95% of that team is NOT our kids, is just unacceptable. While the pool is not designed to make a lot of money, its also not designed or intended to LOSE 300k a year. We have shouldered the load and taken the losses for years- its somebody else's turn now.

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