Monday, December 1, 2008

interest rates drop

Can it be true, that the 10-yr interest rate dropped to 2.25%, the lowest in history? Why are we paying 5.4% for this new gym? If they had waited, like Mr Dotson suggested, we could have gotten it for HALF of what we are going to pay!! How big of savings would THAT have amounted to over the life of the loan? TENS of thousands of dollars!!! The Mayor and Council are not in the least concerned however, as its the RESIDENTS who will be paying all this extra interest for the duration of the loan!! Its not like it might, actually, be coming out of THEIR pocket, now is it? Its ONLY money, right? OUR MONEY!! And if the well starts to run dry, not a problem! They will just raise our taxes and fees!! AGAIN!!!! But not to worry, they are cutting back on expenses with a vengance! Just this week, they saved $20 a month on those dreaded and costly overtime bills for the secretaries!

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