Friday, December 5, 2008

patience is a virtue

If we hadnt rushed into the gym financing at what, 5.4%, like Dotson suggested, we could be getting a 3.25% rate right now. Its 2.25% for ten year bonds now too. We will have wasted TENS of THOUSANDS of taxpayer dollars by the time this is done by not listening to Mr Dotson, and having a little patience! The only donors who will have any money to donate will be the contractors we will be overpaying at the new gym. Has the City NO fiscal sense? To borrow 2.5 million in the middle of the steepest recession since the Thirties is insanity! Sure, it keeps the contractors well-paid but with property values dropping like a rock and property taxes with them, where will we get the money to pay that back? Oh, right, just raise the peoples taxes and fees AGAIN. Or annex some polluted land, pay outrageous mitigation fees, give up any control to the County regarding zoning, and HOPE it will all be okay. Occasionally the Mayor and Council should LISTEN to the voice of reason, no? Nah, it'll NEVER happen because it might get in the way of the timetables their personal legacies.

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