Friday, December 5, 2008


The most recent information DOES sound pretty unbelievable! Are they saying that the $ 2 per swimmer was paid in cash? If so, there will be receipts, deposit slips, and bank statements reflecting that, right? The receipts on the daily logs sepearte cash from checks, and give the check numbers, so they shouldnt be hard to trace, right? Sometimes, if you give people just enough rope, they will hang themselves. Mr Dotson is an accountant and will get to the bottom of these numbers. It IS interesting how, as was stated before, two days ago none of these numbers were available, and POW! now they have just jumped up and got a life of their own! Monday night will be an exercise in creative and imaginative accounting. Fortunately Mr Dotson has 25+ years of experience and knows when the numbers dont make sense! He is the right person at the right time for this job! Of course all data needed and requested should go back at least three years, right? Lets see if there are any "adjustments" made to those numbers too. It just gets curiouser and curiouser. It would be hard to "adjust" receipts, bank statements, and deposit slips THAT far back, wouldnt it? All of these questions and altered numbers will form the basis and foundation for a request from Mr. Dotson to have an independent, outside forensic audit to put everyone concerns to rest, no? Lets see who will agree with Mr Dotson THIS time! Lets also be sure to get ALL of this on video so the people at home can decide for themselves! Monday night football- you go to Tivo- THIS will be MUCH more entertaining!

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