Wednesday, November 19, 2008

the nose knows- something smells

While it may be true that MS didnt host the event, supposedly we DID rent it to Miami Dade Aquatic Club, who in turn, turned around and rented it to the Goulds swim team. How much revenues did we receive from our rental to MDAC? How much pool rental revenues do we recieve form renting the pool to MDAC for swim practices? Very simple questions, why arent there simple answers coming forth? IF we arent receiving ANYTHING, why not? Why cant, or wont, the Asst City Manager provide some verifiable numbers regarding the aforementioned topics, AND how many Springs kids are on the MDAC swim team, now and for the past three years? more simple questions - no answers. Perhaps a FOI request will help motivate him to reply. What could he be hiding? Altered numbers? Pocketed cash? Kickbacks? All of the above? Something smells here. The nose knows.

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