Thursday, November 20, 2008

lumpy sum

The lump sum came form somewhere, right? The numbers that made up that lump sum needs to be revealed in detail. Are they saying that the sales taxes on that money has been paid? The 47k that is indicated in pool admissions needs to be fully elucidated regarding the origins of those monies. Are they saying that the meet and practice monies are included in the admissions figures? How much of each? Perhaps a FOI will shed some light on this topic. How would we find out if the sales tax has been paid? We have swim practices and meets but there is NO record of any monies received from those activities? No record of scuba or water polo money? Ridiculous. No record of private pool parties? swim lessons? If, as it seems, that all of them are lumped into ONE sum, then we need to sort them out individually, no? That information MUST be available somewhere.

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