Wednesday, September 10, 2008

prudent, or not

IF it takes TWO years, and it HAS, to build two bathrooms at over $400 a square foot, it will take a MINIMUM of five years (and 20 million dollars) to build a new gym, judging from previous disasters. Its hard, if not impossible, to defend MS city officials to anybody because of their horrible mismanagement and fiscal irresponsibilities in the past. VG is crowing about its low millage rates (true), low crime rates (maybe true), and fiscal restraint on their salaries (perhaps), but NOWHERE do I see any claim that VG has done anything CLOSE to due diligence in this annexation matter. If they had done due diligence they would be crowing about it now. Its obvious they havent. All they can see is dollar signs dancing in their heads, with NO consideration given to any possible risks involved, just like MS officials. Without due diligence we would be HOPING that everything is okay on ALL those issues; rolling the dice, gambling. That isnt prudent fiscal policy for anyone, never has been and never WILL be.

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