Tuesday, September 9, 2008

due diligence denied?

IF 9 of the County commissioners DONT want to allow annexation it wont happen either, and we will have wasted a lot of time and energy putzing around with VGs ridiculous demands in the meantime. Isnt our lobbyist supposed to check out all the Commissioners for us and let us know? At last count 9 were NOT in favor and that seals that deal, no matter WHAT the municipalities decide or demand, rant or rave. Lets talk directly with Sosa, if need be. VG is a waste of time- a wannabe player who is trying to hold us up with delusions of grandeur. Talk to people who actually have some abilities to make this happen- IF, after all is said and done, due diligence shows it to be a positive and equitable thing for all the residents involved.

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