Thursday, September 11, 2008


By the City Manager's own admission the County has been LOSING hudreds of thousands of dollars each year in area 9. What sort of magic are WE going to do that the County COULDNT do that will change it from an area that LOSES hundreds of thousands of dollars per year to one that will yield US a profit of 498k per year? Are the tax values trending up, or down over the last 5 years? What sort of infrastructure will be necessary? How were those numbers determined? Are those the County's numbers or OURS? If it starts showing a profit, will we THEN have to start paying mitigation fees? What about any possible pollution? Who will control the zoning?
Why havent ALL of these issues been discussed by Council as a part of their DUE DILIGENCE obligation? Has somebody relieved them of their obligation to do due diligence AGAIN? It DOES come with the job, no? They are miserably failing the due diligence process and the people who elected them, AGAIN. One pollution cleanup could easily wipe out any profits we might make. A possible new sewer system could do the same thing. No ongoing entity can survive this lack of vision and responsibility for long and survive. We are throwing the dice and hoping.

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