Thursday, September 11, 2008

area 9 cpncerns

The City Manager is on record as saying that area 9 in the past has cost the County hundreds of thousands of dollars in deficits every year. If we are to believe him, it is a costly area to run and one that has historically run a deficit. If he is in error about that statement he should have NO problem showing us where he got his figures from and from whence the error arose. The documented correct figures would be expected at that point, of course. It would be helpful to know if his figures are MS generated or the County's, and over what period of time was he originally talking about. To give up 6 choice parcels with a stellar 20 million dollar taxable value in return for a breakeven or marginally profitable area makes NO sense. Trading 6 pieces of the Crown jewels for 60 pieces of costume jewelery is BAD business. Is the taxable value of area 9 trending up, or down? We already have a sex motel, do we really want or need any more adult recreation areas? If the County maintains zoning controls we will be at the mercy of their whims.

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