Monday, September 8, 2008

administrative ghosts

Now that the Water and Sewer Department are finally transferred to the County we can expect to see the City Manager and the Public Works Director take a BIG pay cut, right? They no longer have to ADMINISTRATE those departments (if they ever really did), so with less responsibility comes less pay, right? Are they now denying that they ever really administrated anything there? The City Manager is on record claiming 15-20% of his time was tied up with Water and Sewer, so he should take a 15-20% pay cut, right, since there is NOTHING to administrate? Public Works really did that work and should take a serious pay cut too. The City of MS received $440,000 a year to administrate. Now there is NOTHING to administrate and we are out $440k in revenues coming in. Is ANYBODY seriously suggesting that they should receive the same pay for doing NOTHING?

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