Friday, March 6, 2009

time to respond?

And isn-t it a requirement that the violation be cited and the resident given time to respond? That seems to be the point. IF, and ONLY IF, the sign is not in compliance, and there is considerable doubt at this point, the resident and/or candidate should be contacted and given time to correct any possible misplacements. I am rechecking all of my signs and taking pictures of them as documentation for the future. I want nor need no more consideration than any other candidate or resident but I DO expect the same courtesies extended to any resident or candidate. No more, no less. At 61 I am pretty well all grown up so thats not really a problem for me. My problem is more along the lines of THROWING UP when I see the underhanded, if not illegal, tactics used in this political campaign. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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