Wednesday, March 4, 2009


What are the chances that the 150 million discrepancy between Gyms numbers and Corradinos numbers is the drop in property values over the past year or so? Gym said the property taxable value for the areas under consideration were 736 million but it isnt clear if those numbers were from 2008 or 2009. Probably 2008. If you deduct 150 million to account for a drop in property values in those areas over the past year you get 586 million dollar value of the property taxes in the areas under consideration, and considerably less income. The 150 million difference is about 23% of the 736 million figure and would cause a 23% drop in the net too, to around 1.8 million. When the 386k in mitigation fees are subtracted we are talking 1.4 net, and that doesnt allow for the projected drop in property values this year, which would lower that number again. I am not an accountant but those numbers are not nearly as attractive as were the proposed original numbers. One million-dollar pollution cleanup and all our benefits are wiped out. We need accurate, up-to-date numbers so we can make as accurate a projection as possible. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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