Wednesday, March 4, 2009

signs held for ransom?

Rest easy, Springs residents, Code Enforcement officer Cardini is on the job and ever vigilant. Apparently today he rescued residents from some political yard signs that may (or may have not) have been a few feet closer to the road than the required 16 feet! In a stroke of bad luck, all the confiscated signs appear to be challengers signs. Miraculously, NONE of the incumbents signs were found to be improperly placed. What a coincidence! While you might think a warning or courtesy call would be in order to those candidates with the possible offending signs so they could reply to this possible infraction, it was deemed TOO SERIOUS for such a simple, direct, and straightforward solution! Perhaps the City is holding the signs for ransom. I expect to be notified about my signs soon. At least THOSE signs wont disappear tonight! Whew! What a relief! Since I pay $4.50 a sign for each, I refuse to pay a ransom over a dollar each! When was the last time challengers rampaging yard signs were confiscated by Cardini? If this is going to be the official policy I can assure residents I will do my part to make sure NO SIGNS are less than 16 feet from the street or improperly placed and Mr. Cardini WILL be called each and every time one is found! I bought a new tape measure for the occasion. I of course will expect a timely removal and confiscation of any such signs, WITHOUT any courtesy call to the owners, like today. Sure, we may have dozens of moldy and mildewed roofs in the City, but these pesky political yard signs are A TOP PRIORITY to our zoning department! You say you think its petty political BS? I cant argue with you. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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