Saturday, March 7, 2009

Thank you

for reminding me that my ultimate success, or failure, in life resides within me. I have no complaints about the City Clerk. I am constantly amazed how much undeserved credit and/or blame I receive here for stuff I didnt say or do. So be it! As in anyones life, there ARE influencing factors that contribute to ones success or failure. In this case it is unethical or illegal political practices that influence this campaign. Is there ANYBODY who is saying that disappearing, damaging, or defacing your opponents signs does NOT influence a political campaign? If my campaign is not successful tho, it will not be because of any possible (probable?) illegal or unethical behavior on my opponents part. It will be because I havent fully explained my vision and hopes for Miami Springs clearly enough to the residents. THAT is my responsibility and one that I take seriously. I AM cautiously optimistic at this point, but we still have a long way to go. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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