Saturday, January 3, 2009

pool audit needed

The legal technicality MDAC has been hiding behind is that they are not LEGALLY COMPELLED to show proof of payments to anybody YET. Even IF those payments were to be MIRACULOUSLY found at some point in the future, the whole secret backroom handshake deal process needs to be reviewed and assessed in an independent outside audit, along with the pool operations. Why have the Mayor and Council NOT spoken out? At LEAST on the fabricated Optimist connection? The claims of the young ladies? ANYTHING!!?? Can it be that they are STILL awaiting Gym doing damage control and directing them what they should think and say? You MIGHT think they would be embarrassed and ashamed but that is unlikely, as they have demonstrated NO signs of either of THOSE emotions while depriving the residents the right to vote on the gym and annexation, their failure to oversee and supervise the City Manager in ANY of the construction projects (both the Cc and bathrooms taking well over two years and TRIPLE what they were originally priced at), or any of a half dozen other fiascos in the City over the past five years. Except for Dotson, they have firmly taken up positions astride the fence, as usual, and are just awaiting Gym's directions. Dotson will get the residents some answers. Only an outside independent audit will get ALL the answers tho.

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