Saturday, January 3, 2009

ethical and honest questioned

Well, its certainly true that MDAC may lose some money if they are ever made to pay the FAIR MARKET VALUE of our pool! That $1100 a month they have put into their pockets since they moved over to our pool will certainly be reduced, or eliminated. You might think an honest an ethical business would NOT hide behind a legal technicality, especially if they HOPE to continue practicing at our pool in the future! That paltry sum they have paid in the past, IF its been paid, will not stand for long with a new Council! Hopefully the new Council will know that we are being ripped off by the City Manager who allows them to use our pool for a pittance. MDAC knows it too, but they will pretend they are paying fair market value because its money in their pocket! They KNOW what fair market value is because they were paying it at MDC before they came to the Springs. Ethical and honest my butt!

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