Tuesday, December 30, 2008

as the pool fiasco unfolds...

$504 per week times 52 weeks = $26,208 per year. They DO practice all year round, right? There was a big deal about Phelps practicing 365 days a year for YEARS! Pretty impressive! Dedication! Even if the kids ONLY practice 50 weeks a year, its still over $25,000, and STILL impressive, for TWO reasons: One, fifty weeks a year is incredible dedication for kids, or anybody; two, if they can get our pool for LESS than TEN CENTS on the dollar of fair market value, thats a 90% discount and impressive for anybody! Anybody except the taxpayers, who are being hosed again! Now if we can only get their owners to pay the going rate! If we could get 15k from the City of Doral and another 25k from MDAC, would that be something to consider? That price would be less than they paid at MDC, closer to the going rate, and make more lanes available than they had at MDC. Standard county rates would apply for meets, etc. Back rents would also have to be brought up to date.

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