Thursday, January 1, 2009

changes are needed

Happy New Year everyone! Looking forward to hearing what the HR lady found in her report. Heard that the new Rec Director left there under highly questionable circumstances. If true, why didnt Gym reveal that when he was checking his buddies references out? Wonder if Wilton Manors would hire him again? It has always been a stretch to believe that a guy could reach back 28 years and recover the knowledge and skills he once MAY have had, during that possible one year of being a Rec Director at Wilton Manors. It DOES show the problems involved when the City Manager does NO due diligence in checking the candidate out and hires him on a smile and a handshake. Too many handshake deals in this City. Not enough DUE DILIGENCE. The Mayor and the Council should be embarrassed, if not outraged! Its a complete and utter failure to do DUE DILIGENCE on the part of the City Manager when vetting for the position that has been called, "the most important job in the City!" How much more of this arrogance, incompetency, outrageously expensive construction projects, backroom handshake giveaways, blatant disregard for the wishes of the Council, and failure to do even the basics of DUE DILIGENCE are we going to stand for? Start the New Year with a new City Manager!

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