Monday, December 15, 2008

year-round santa

The point is well taken, regarding the naming of private citizens, their statements, and actions. Nobody needs any legal hassles and that point is considerably more important than a degeneration of comments into personal vendettas, tho they could be related. Any new candidate should be judged by their positions and rationale for taking those positions. Talk to them and let them explain their vision for the future of Miami Springs, tomorrow and the next decade. The Santa Claus meet brought in no money for MS? Who hosted it? Santa IS a very congenial guy and gives away a LOT of stuff every year! His fulltime job is here, managing the City, but here he only gives a LOT of taxpayers stuff away to special interests, be they Santana, private swim teams, or private contractors. What about the commercial that was shot in the gym and caused it to be closed down to residents for a week? What revenues did we receive for that inconvenience to the residents? Anything?

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