Friday, December 19, 2008

pertinent facts missing

Thanks for the advice. Memo says they paid $1500 for each of the past two years. Curious to know how much they paid for the past 5 years? 10 years? Who would have the records for GMAC? Over a year ago pool management knew those schools were way behind, at least. When Gym says hes putting a program in place that may monitor and manage the pool use, revenues and expenses better in the future (memo), what does he mean? Is eliminating the details about the various swim teams and their usage part of that program? How would LESS information be a management benefit at all? Could it assist them in making their plans for staffing? chemicals? maintenance? Or is it an attempt to stifle pertinent facts from being revealed? MORE pertinent details are a mark of transparency and honesty in any business endeavor, especially in the case of the MDAC swim team. WHAT are the details of the plan he is talking about? So far, the details are NONE. ZERO. Trust, but verify, was Reagans plan, and it sounds like it might very easily work here. Install cameras or an automated admission machine. Without these verification devices, or other good ones, its truly hard to tell if accurate counts are being made and valid revenues recorded. This is but ONE of the many problems at the pool. Censoring factual information is yet another.

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