Sunday, December 14, 2008


The statement was that less than a dozen residents SPOKE! Go back and read it again. Did the Pathetic One ACTUALLY say that public tax monies are usually given away to private companies so THEY can make a profit? Incredible! Since when? We pay OUR taxes to support the profits of a private swim team? Amazing! If Im not mistaken there are SPECIFIC clauses in our charter that pointedly FORBID that happening! In WHAT other sports do we subsidize a private, for-profit team? Baseball? Basketball? Soccer? Football? That is one of the more absurd comments we have had here, lately. It ranks right up there with the ridiculous comment about someone being dropped on their head- and states it as FACT? Sounds like maybe that poster had been dropped once too many times to me, and their comment was a testament to that experience. At least two pools and their meet costs have been posted here in the past two weeks, both charge $165 an hour for meets. S Fla. areas 10 and 12, I believe. Check it out for yourself. Would you call a grown man who bullies young employees by fear, intimidation, and retributions a coward? or just a bully? The resident doesnt really like to use names much here, as it can deteriorate into personal insults and attacks, and he prefers to stick to the issues. His name has been used a couple times here already and his address and number is in the phone book. He checks his emails and snail mail every day. All info will be checked out for accuracy of course, and pointers in a general direction usually work best. A dozen or so good pointers have been provided so far and have been very helpful. Thanks to ALL of you! Keeping ones job today, in these tough times, sounds pretty smart to me! The nearby pools have been identified that would be available for uasge by MDAC, or ANY swim team. Those of you who wanted details should be satisfied now. Good work researching that information! The resident takes NO credit for any of that info, as its been a team of other residents doing the legwork. Give credit where credit is due. This is becoming a community project, as it should be.

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