Wednesday, December 17, 2008


You are right when you say the resident has issues. He has issues when connections to the Optimist Club are fabricated; issues when a roster of Springs kids on a private swim team we subsidize isnt available for inspection; he also has issues pool practice rents that were claimed to have been paid to the city for the past three years do NOT stand up to any inspection (possibly 4 months paid out of the past 36). He has issues when the City Manager tells him that, as the City Manager, he has no way of knowing what the revenues and expenses that made up the lump sum figures that he claimed in the city's budget report, were(even tho he took out an itemized quarterly report right there, in his office). He has an issue when the City pays $400 a square foot for bathrooms that should only cost $125 a square foot! He has issues when the plumbing, electrical, and sewer hookups are FORGOTTEN for the bathrooms! How can THAT happen? one expensive fiasco after another! The list of issues goes on and on.

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