Monday, November 24, 2008

taxes and fees on the rise

By Catherine Holahan, MSN Money
As if it weren't bad enough that Michele Cetta's home value is plummeting, she's also facing a property-tax increase. "The value of the house is going down, but the property taxes are going up," says the mom from Staten Island, one of the suburban areas of New York City. She anticipates adding several hundred dollars to this year's nearly $7,000 property-tax bill. "People already can't afford to buy in the neighborhood, and this makes it worse." Homeowners see the same troubling trend across the nation. Despite a nationwide drop in home values of more than 6% -- and as much as 30% in some areas -- many homeowners are seeing their property taxes ratchet up, as state and local governments try to cope with revenue shortfalls caused by the economic downturn. This has already happened in Miami Springs, where the average property values have dropped 24.3% in the past year. City fees and the millage rates have increased to make up for the shortfalls they have caused by paying 100k for Santana's light bills; NOT charging private swim teams to use our pool; losing 300k to keep it open year-round for the private swim team; and overpaying HUNDREDS of THOUSANDS of tax dollars on EACH and EVERY City construction project!!!!! When the well gets low they just raise our taxes and fees. Simple, for them.

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