Monday, November 24, 2008

differnt foci

Garcia said tonight that the pool costs are "irrelevant". He doesnt care how much money we lose at the pool. Again he has shown that he has NO concern about the taxpayers money and NO interest in, or desire to be,in any way fiscally responsible. He has said that several times in the past too- whatever the cost, he is willing to pay it! WITH OUR TAX DOLLARS! He doesnt care HOW MUCH it costs us! he will pay ANY price! as long as its NOT his money being spent! He wants to combine the Ecology Board with the Parks and Parkways Board because "they both like trees"!!? While both of those Boards may have a few overlapping interests, they have 90%+ different focuses. The Ecology Board is interested in rain barrels and water conservation- Parks and Parkways is not. Ecology is interested in residential recycling- parks is not. Ecology is interested in increasing the recycling in City buildings and the gym and pool- Parks isnt. Ecology is interested in getting some fluorescent bulbs for our residents for free, or a big discount- Parks is not. Ecology is interested in residential composting- Parks is not. Ecology is interested in NOT using plastic water bottles, especially at Council meetings- Parks is not. The Parks and Parkways Board was instrumental in getting the state grant by the river, between the bridges; their focus is just different than the Ecology Board's. Not better or worse, just different areas of interest.

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