Sunday, November 23, 2008

pool audit needed

Missing also from the records presented so far is ANY contract with ANY entity that uses our pool and ANY proof of payment of past debts to us from prior meets and daily practices! If any bills have been presented to MDAC, where ARE they? IF they have been paid, where are the receipts and where is that money reflected ? IF those bills havent been paid, WHY NOT? Also missing are the complete swim team rosters for MDAC for the past couple years. We should be charging EVERYBODY the standard rate - schools, meeets, practices, and private swim teams. There is NO justification of using taxpayer dollars to subsidize a private for-profit enterprise. It also makes NO sense to indulge a handful of Springs swimmers at the expense of 13,000 hard-pressed and struggling residents. The buck stops at the City Manager and his assistant's desk, doesnt it?

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