Tuesday, November 25, 2008

commentary on Garcia

Mr. Garcia stated last night that the resident was in error by saying that only 6 Springs kids use the pool. That is NOT what the resident said. Check the video and you will see that the resident said there are only 6 Springs kids on the MDAC team. While it is probably true, as Mr Garcia said, that hundreds of kids use the pool, the majority of those kids use it during the Summer, probably over 90%, not during the off-season. If Mr Garcia wants to debate whether there are more than 6 kids on the MDAC team he should present verifiable numbers to that effect. If he cant, or wont, produce such numbers perhaps he should calm down, and get his facts straight first. He doesnt seem to have ANY objections to the taxpayers subsidizing a private business and taking a 300k loss to do it. Is it possible that he has NO CLUE as to what is going on at the pool? or perhaps he just doesnt care- its NOT like its HIS money thats being wasted, right? As long as its OUR money going down the drain to subsidize a private business, he OKAY with that! Why would public tax dollars go to support a private enterprise? Do we NOT have enough to support with Mr Santana, his 100k in electricity, the $600 a square foot CC addition, and the $200k+ for EACH bathroom? Get a grip, Mr Garcia! Or, at the very least, get your facts straight.

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