Friday, November 7, 2008

pool issues

While I agree that the parents of the 6 Springs kids should pay for their kids to swim at our pool, I believe another solution would be for the private Doral swim club to split the costs among ALL of their members to make up for the 200k we are losing during the school year. If they cant pay, have them find another place to practice, or close their doors. That $200,000 is only fair to the rest of the 13,000+ residents who live here. Having 13,000+ residents paying an additional $200,000 for 6 Springs kids is grossly unfair to the residents. Having them pay up or move on would NOT be an attack on the program, just a request for them to pay up or move. The character traits developed by a swim team are acknowledged but, in these times of ever-deepening recession, it has simply become a luxury we can no longer afford here. Nearby pools are available where those skills can be honed. Closing during the school year, or being paid at the very least our costs, would be a rare instance of fiscal responsibility, common sense, and fairness to the LARGE majority of the taxpaying residents of our City. The taxpayers should vote on this issue. Perhaps this can be placed on the ballot along with the annexation vote.

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