Wednesday, November 5, 2008

business recycling

Two local businesses, Starbucks and Milams, have agreed to recycle their cups, boxes, cans, and bottles IF the City will include them on their rounds to pick it up every Wednesaday. Even one Counmcilman has said its "just common sense". All the residents will be getting the large, 90-gallon, roll-around bins in the next month or so and the trucks are out here collecting every Wednesday, so there IS no real extra cost involved. It just amounts to rolling by those businesses on their way to pick up the residents recycling. What are the chances our Council and Mayor will see that this happens? These businesses would be taking a leadership position and would serve as an example for all other Springs businesses. The Council and MAYOR COULD do this but have been environmentally unaware and insensitive up to this point. Is it possible that they will awaken from their environmental slumber? There is cause for considerable doubt, along with a sliver of hope. We shall see.

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