Friday, November 7, 2008

due diligence finally?

VG has done "proper research and planning"? When was THAT done? At least a dozen people I have spoken with in the past 3 weeks know NOTHING about the pollution, zoning, contiguity, and mitigation fees issues. NONE, and at least ONE works for the Village. What was the results of their RESEARCH into any possible pollution concerns? Mitigation fees? Zoning? Contiguity? Boundaries? FEC? How did they derive the numbers they used in this RESEARCH? Where are those numbers posted? Who came up with the numbers? What are their qualifications? How much, if any, of this information is posted online so that others can examine it? NONE of the 12-15 residents I spoke with had even HEARD of these other outstanding concerns. All of those issues need to be addressed before ANYONE can make an informed decision, and it appears that the neither the Village Council nor the Springs Council have done anything CLOSE to DUE DILIGENCE. Isnt it their duty and obligation to the residents who elected them to look into ALL the options before making any decision? If not, WHY not?

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