Tuesday, November 4, 2008

appointment comments

How many YEARS do you think it will take for Billy and Youngs to complete their appointments? It is currently 2 1/2 YEARS on one appointment for each,at this point. Out of the 14,000+ residents they cant find ONE person each for those appointments!!???? Do you think they need some suggestions to fill those spots? It looks like they could USE some help, no? Perhaps filling their appointments is not a priority for them. One might think that not much energy or time would be required rubber-stamping the City Managers $400+ a square foot (and considerably more at times) projects; approving bathrooms without electric, sewer, or water connections; okaying the loss of $300,000 a year at the pool in spite of significant incoming revenues that is not reflected anywhere; making few significant budget reductions; and spending 500k for the CC addition before giving it away for a song, among other issues. those are certainly energy-draining activities, not to mention money-draining for the residents.

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