Friday, November 7, 2008

annexation issues

VG is "moving forward" without ANY inquiry into pollution, mitigation fees, contiguity, or zoning issues?? There is NO evidence that VG has looked into ANY of these issues either, just like Miami Springs. What happened to doing DUE DILIGENCE by either Council? Both governing bodies have somehow decided that DUE DILIGENCE is no longer an obligation of theirs to the people who elected them. How did they come to that conclusion? Was it divine inspiration? Rigged and unsubstantiated numbers? A decree of the King? A voice from above? A LARGE payoff? There is no evidence that VG has done ANY more DUE DILIGENCE than MS has, and that is precious little. Conversations with several VG residents in the past month has confirmed this. IF VG residents allow their Mayor and Council to make decisions based on highly questionable numbers, thats their business. If MS does that, and they ARE, that is all MS residents business, and that was clearly demonstrated yesterday with the petition for the people to be able to vote on annexation. The residents of VG need to start their own petition, so THEY can vote on it too.

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