Wednesday, October 1, 2008

over the abyss

Anybody with ANY common sense, personal or civic pride, or conscience would be embarrassed and ashamed to sign off on this new gym deal. The Mayor, Council, and City Manager are not impeded by ANY of those qualities however, merrily and blindly driving us over the abyss. They are so focused on their agendas they dont, or wont, even consider anything else. It is truly a sad situation: sad for them to be so blindly ambitious as to sell out their neighbors to accomplish their own personal legacies; and sad for the residents, who will be saddled with this unnecssary and unaffordable white elephant for the next 20 years, if we dont go bankrupt first. Fees and taxes will continue to rise as cost overruns and change orders escalate 300%, 400% and more. Contractors will laugh all the way to the bank (Happy talk for them). Residents of many years will lose their homes and their history here in the Springs as a result. The legacy of this Council, Mayor, and City Manager will be one of fiscal irresponsibility, greed, blind ambition, and corruption. IF its true, as some of those in town say, that it is goal of the City officials to bankrupt the City so the Latin Builders can develop condos on the golf course, we are certainly on the rapid road to insolvency. Its a sad situation for the residents BUT a great situation for the contractors- 200 acres of prime property, just waiting to be developed, once we are bankrupt. That prediction is happening right before our eyes, even as we speak. And nobody seems to care.

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