Monday, September 29, 2008

campaign pros and cons

Isnt it possible that Obama was simply acknowledging some points that he and McCain agree on? There ARE a few. I like McCains stance on Iraq, as I dont think we can leave until the country is stable and able to defend itself. With the apparent success of the surge that day may be getting closer as we speak. I dont think I could stand another term of Bush economics, where the oil companies and millionaires get tax breaks with the outside possibility that some may eventually trickle down to the average guy on the street. I like Obamas alternative energy plan as we cannot just drill our way out of this energy crisis. I also like his plan to rebuild our nations aging infrastructure, creating good jobs for AMERICANS that CANT be shipped overseas. I like the Pickens Plan of using wind power across Texas and the Midwest to create clean power and save our natural gas for our vehicles. For me, the jury is still out on Obamas wife and Rev Wright. Those are, however, personalities, and dont detract from Obamas ideas. I could live with a 16-month pullout of Iraq IF the ground commanders approve AND we leave a substantial contingency force AND we send 12-15,000 troops to Afghanistan, where they are badly needed. Palin is too conservative for me altho I am glad to see the ladies getting a shot at high office.

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