Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Joe pays the price

McCain has voted WITH Bush over 90% of the time over the past 8 years. We have the largest deficits in HISTORY. Republican deregulation has allowed greedy and crooked Wall Steet bankers and mortgage brokers to rob and plunder the financial system at will, with NO regulation or oversight, until it is on the verge of collapse. Do we REALLY want or need another term of Bush's policies? Can we really afford it? Same problem here in MS, where special interests feed at the public trough while Joe Sixpack loses his job and his house, resorting to multiple garage sales to keep the lights on and feed himself and his family. Joe is asked to foot the bill for repeated incredibly stupid blunders by officials at a local and national level. Billy is a staunch Republican and putting forth the Republican policy- HUGE deficits for special interests are somehow good things, for everybody but Joe Sixpack. He gets hosed- again. Still.

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