Monday, September 29, 2008

colossal corruption ?

The Dow dropped an alltime record of 700 POINTS ! The Nasdaq dropped 200 points ! Billions of dollars were lost today and there is NO guarantee this is the bottom. The Mayor and his Council decide this is the perfect time to go MILLIONS of dollars into debt on a new gym we cant afford and dont need! Pure, unadulterated craziness, if not collossal stupidity or corruption! NOBODY can be THIS stupid ALL the time. They MUST be paid off to CHOOSE to do this!! NO other reason makes any sense. No honest person with a lick of sense would do this under THESE conditions because spending money you dont have and likely wont get is a recipe for certain disaster! Remember this in April.
Where is the smug contractor with his Happy Talk when we need him? The special interests are the only ones who will benefit from this new gym construction. The residents will get robbed - AGAIN. Take in all this senseless stupidity so you wont forget when April rolls around.

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