Friday, October 3, 2008


I am glad that women are getting a shot at the highest offices and I thought she handled herself pretty well last night. She stuck to what she seems to know best, no matter what the question was. Biden didnt always answer the question either. Biden made points with the alternative energy plan, which McCain is very vague on. I also like Obamas plan to renew the infrastructure- bridges, roads, sewers,highways- creating 5 million AMERICAN jobs that cant be sent overseas. I am not so crazy about that racist Rev Wright, or Obamas wife. I also like Obamas plan to make the Iraquis use the 80 Billion dollar surplus they have to fix their own country, not using our money. I like McCains idea that we cant leave Iraq until they are stable and able to defend themselves. Both plans would leave it up to the commanders on the ground to determine when its safe to draw our troops down- smart.

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