Saturday, October 25, 2008

deja vu all over again

OF COURSE there will be change orders from the beginning to the end, DOZRNS and DOZENS of them, ALL at OUR request because we have only given them a vague outline of what we really want. That will lead to repeated costly cost overruns, just like they did in the past two city construction projects. The $360,000 cost overruns on the bathrooms and the $400,000 that was wasted on the CC enclosure will pale in comparison to the MILLIONS of dollars of steadily disappearing money that this gym project will entail. Council will make excuses and offer lame explanations when costs rise steadily and they rage out of control-just like the last two times. After the Council has run thru the first 2.5 million they will raise our taxes and fees again and ask for MILLIONS more in loans, until we are bankrupt. They will blame it the recession, etc., but it will really be the result of their mismanagement, ineptitude, outsized ambitions and egos, lack of common sense, fiscal responsibility, and/or the presence of corruption (your choice, any or all of the above).

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