Thursday, October 23, 2008


How can it be that our strongly Republican Council, Mayor, and City Manager have NO problem handing out freebies on a regular and costly basis, at OUR expense. Somehow they have NO problem with contractor welfare and routinely give them LARGE sums of money for work they DIDNT do? The CC addition and the bathrooms are prime examples of their largesse. Why are they NOT concerned when giving away freebies to anyone and everyone who wants to use our pool for free, also at the taxpayers expense? Why are they NOT concerned when Santana is given 100k worth of electricity at OUR expense? Welfare for well-to-do business owners is OK? It seems the Republican Mayor, Council, and City Manager have NO problem giving our tax money and services to private entities on a regular basis- as long as they are already pretty well off. Giving money and services to people for work NOT done is what Republicans object to strenuously, yet the City of Miami Springs does it on a routine basis. Can it be that welfare to the poor is to be roundly criticized by Republicans everywhere- ONLY welfare to well-to-do contractors and special interests is OKAY? What are the chances those special interests and contractors are Republicans? NOW its understood what the Republicans meant- if they are the benefactors of government welfare, its okay. If anybody else could benefit, its NOT okay.

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