Friday, October 24, 2008


When an experienced contractor can build the same 2 bathrooms for 140k, and we are paying over 500k for the 2 bathrooms the city has built, then yes, it IS presumed that the additional 360k+ paid was for work that WASNT DONE, since we already KNOW how much it costs to build it. The CC enclosure should have cost no more than 100k, yet we paid 500k, and yes, it is also presumed that additional 400k went for work that WASNT DONE. Sewer hookups on the bathrooms can be done at $8 a linear foot plus the cost of materials. Figure 400 feet tops, that comes to $3200 plus $1800 for materials = $5000. When we pay 38,500 it is assumed that the ADDITIONAL $33,500 was paid for work that WASNT DONE, because we KNOW it doesnt cost anywhere NEAR what we paid to do the actual work. When we pay 33k to elevate the bathrooms that our contractor can do in one day for 5k, we presume that the additional money went for work that wasnt done, because we KNOW it doesnt cost anywhere NEAR what we paid to do the actual work. What other answers could there be? Kickbacks? Fraud? Bid rigging? hard to prove, yet common sense tells us that additional monies went SOMEWHERE, right?

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