Thursday, October 23, 2008

Ayers connection "groundless"

Independent political watchdogs have also challenged the McCain campaign’s assertions., the widely cited nonpartisan project of the Annenberg Foundation, published a long analysis this month saying McCain’s and Palin’s attempts to link the two (Ayers and Obama) were "groundless." “What we object to are the McCain-Palin campaign’s attempts to sway voters —in ads and on the stump — with false and misleading statements about the relationship, which was never very close,” said FactCheck, which has criticized several of Obama’s assertions on other issues. This is from an independent, nonpartisan fact-finding organization that has pointed out inaccuracies on BOTH sides. Now it appears that McCain is going to pay for his healthcare progran by cutting Medicare and Medicaid by 882 billion dollars! Taking from the elderly grandmothers and grandfathers on fixed incomes while giving tax breaks to millionaires and billionaires ?? No way !! Grandma eats cat food to survive and the rich get richer.

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