Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Americans vote on BIG issues

The $125 a square foot number comes from my GC friend AND my insurance company, both of whom say that is what it would cost to rebuild my house should it blow down in a hurricane. The insurance quote was also an itemized and detailed estimate. I am saying that the City Manager has no explanation when I ask where the extra 280k went. Who actually received that money is unclear but its clear it went to SOMEBODY, and is NO LONGER in the City coffers. Literacy and spelling are wonderful things to behold. It would be great if we could have more of it here. We voted on the golf course and things didnt come to a "hault". We voted on NO HIGHRISES over 3 stories and things didnt come to a "hault." We dont need to vote on all the little things, but the BIG issues that will affect us for DECADES we should vote on. That is our history here in the Springs and the American way. Dictators and communists dont allow the people to vote. Americans have that right, and should excercise their voting rights. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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