Thursday, February 5, 2009

zoning rules clarified

Any of you residents wanting to upgrade, update, or enhance your properties and need a 10% variance are out of luck. We will righteously claim that it changes the character of the neighborhood, affects property values, etc etc. However, when WE, the city, want a 26% zoning variance, NO PROBLEM, because WE are the ultimate authority on zoning matters and WE CAN. Sure, it like having the fox guard the hen house, but HEY! Sure, we have a vested interest in giving the variance because we WANT it badly to pass. We can even claim that the community will be harmed if it isnt passed in the humongous form we want. A slightly smaller one would deprive... uh... well....perhaps.... maybe a few kids... well, anyway, just remember- the zoning rules apply ONLY to the residents. The City can get variances for ANYTHING we want to build! Adequate parking and height requirements are NOT A PROBLEM (for us)- just you guys.

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