Wednesday, February 4, 2009

no basis in fact

Is it possible that the Optimist president doesnt know what is in the Pistorino report? Is it possible he doesnt even know it EXISTS? If he had actually read it- new roof, floors, walls, fire sprinklers, and structural supports, documented and itemized estimates by an eminently qualified structural engineer, confirming that the gym can be renovated for 1.6-1.8 million to a like-new condition - he would NEVER have said that its "like putting lipstick on a pig". Its a interesting turn of phrase but unfortunately has NO basis in reality. IF he had actually READ the Pistorino report, how could he make such a ridiculous statement? If hes going to present himself as a source of more-or-LESS rational opinion in public, he should do some homework first, or he will embarrass himself, again.

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