Wednesday, February 25, 2009

public service?

( have NO intention of responding to ridiculous, childish, and disrespectful personal postings that have no basis in fact, or giving them any credence or time. I do believe that Mr. Stiff and Mr. Suco MAY have performed something of a public service by running and opening up a rational debate about how the City is being run. I have seen nothing that would indicate that Mr. Lob has any idea or concept of what is going on in the City and will just be another Billy YES man and sycophant. He hasnt attended FIVE Council meetings in the past TWO YEARS. He seems to be a ONE_ISSUE candidate - the new Gym, and offers little rationale regarding the basis of his support, other than Billy wants it too. He offers no positions on any other issues and there is significant doubt if he even knows what the other issues are, and why they are important. He seems to think, like Billy, that " costs are immaterial" and "irrelevent", like Garcia. We cant afford any more of these " Money is NO object" guys. Money IS VERY IMPORTANT to most of us! Especially in these very difficult times! Will they EVER learn? Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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