Wednesday, February 25, 2009

campaign comments

While its true that Mr. Suco has not been to many Council meeting either, he has run for office in the past and, altho he lost, it does show some interest in the city and how its operated. He has indicated some interest in a wider range of issues than Mr Lob, who has only ONE (whatever Billy wants). It is also interesting that he would mention an interest in renovating the gym, which shows an awareness that there IS a viable and considerably less costly alternative to a new gym. And while he hasnt been very active in the community for the past several years, Mr Suco does have the possibility of being an independent thinker, a trait which Mr Lob seems to lack. Except for Mr. Dotson, nobody on the current Council has shown much common sense or fiscal responsibility for the past FOUR YEARS. THAT has to change, as the average resident believes that costs ARE important, to them, and SHOULD BE to their elected representatives. Dr. Mel P. Johnson

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