Sunday, January 25, 2009

political self destruction?

Read in the Gazette where MS City Attorney said, " The referendum being proposed has NOTHING to do with the current annexation application. The Miami Springs administration is fully cognizant of, and has under control all annexation issues" Amazing. IF the referendum being proposed has NOTHING to do with THIS annexation proposal, WHAT annexation proposal does it have to do with? 1371 people signed a petition saying they want to vote on annexation- how much clearer can it be? Are there any OTHER annexation applications out there? If not, then it HAS TO BE directed at the current annexation proposal, no? Can it be that he is splitting legal hairs to avoid the stated will of the people? 1371 votes is a LOT of votes. To ignore those votes would be political suicide. Not that that particular suicidal action might not be a good thing for the residents of Miami Springs, of course!

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